Halloween Beers: Ghoulish Grapefruit And Petrifying Pomegranate!


That’s the spooky, sinister laugh you make when someone tells you that yes, this beer does pair well with candy!

The fine folks at Schofferhofer decided that, once again, it was time to release a new flavor of Schofferhofer into the wild. This time? A pomegranate beer that, along with its brethren, comes with a lower ABV and plenty of flavor.

Unique to the Pomegranate flavor is that it is supposed to pair well with fruity candy (Skittles, Twizzlers, and Strabursts, for example). Consider my interest piqued.

Join me, anybody on the West Coast or anyone that has access to Schofferhofer Pomegranate in their location, and together we’ll see just how good a beer could possibly be with candy.

Schofferhofer Beer Recipes

Spooky Salty Dog on the left, Bubbly Pom Spooky Cosmo on the right

Before I discuss how well a fruited beer pairs with fruity candy (hint: sugar + sugar = sugar), here are some recipes that were shared with me that use both the Schofferhofer Pomegranate and Grapefruit flavors.

If you recall, we tried the Grapefruit flavor a while back and had an as-good-as-it-could-be at-home Oktoberfest.

Spooky Salty Dog

Oooooooo. That’s the sound the Spooky Salty Dog makes if it’s haunted by a monotone ghost. 

This cocktail came out tasting a little bit boozy, but I might have overdone it on the gin and underdone it on the grapefruit. Regardless, it’s a nice tart drink worth trying:


  • 1 oz gin
  • ½ ounce grapefruit juice
  • ½ ounce simple syrup
  • 2-3 ounces Schofferhofer Grapefruit

The mixing is pretty easy, just combine the top three ingredients, pour over ice in a glass, then top it with the Schofferhofer. The recipe I was sent also called for a black salt rim on the glass, but I have no clue where to buy black salt. Instead, we opted with classic salt.

Bubbly Pom Spooky Cosmo

No, “bubbly” and “spooky” don’t really go together in the same sentence. However, this was a tasty drink. Granted, it was much sweeter than the Spooky Salty Dog, and switching from one to the other is a jarring olfactory experience. Best to stick with one, then later the other.


  • 1 ounce vodka
  • ½ cointreau
  • 1 ounce lime juice
  • 5 ounces Schofferhofer Pomegranate

Like the Spooky Salty Dog, just mix the first three ingredients, pour into a glass (no ice is my recommendation) and top with the Schofferhofer. The recipe also called for a black sugar rim…again, no clue where I would find something like that, so we went with classic sugar.

Beer With Candy, Ain’t That Dandy?

Ain’t that dandy? Sure.

Living up to the promises, the Schofferhofer Pomegranate flavor does go well with some of your classic Halloween candies. But I’m obligated to note that you must be willing to both eat and drink sugar. Remember, all alcohol has sugar in it.

What am I getting at? A hangover waiting to happen, that’s what.

No, I didn’t have nearly enough to experience those throbbing head pains, but just a few sips and nibbles and you can see where the night could be heading.

That being said, I highly recommend you try beer with candy, because…why not?

Thomas Short
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